I have a new blog click here to get updated on my newly single life as an ex-army wife.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Things are starting to look up
So I just got a work at home job doing appointment settings! The pay is great which is nice because then I can save up money to get out and get my life back up again. My marriage is pretty much over but its okay, I'm living and learning and it will be fine! Its all about moving forward, no more feeling sorry for myself! I have really taken over my life since I let people run it for so long, I've lost almost 60 lbs and its been life changing for me, its really opened my eyes for the better. My marriage had gone on for too long and its a shame that I didn't realize it sooner but I wouldn't have had my 2 beautiful babies in the process either! I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me but just support me in what I choose to do! My soon to be ex will be in my life forever which is fine but its better if we just stayed friends from now on, I love him because he's the father of my children but things in the past just made me fall out of love with him as the years went on. There is more to that but I won't get into it. People ask me if I'm dating and the answer is no. I have kids and my new job to focus on and I don't want to have time for a relationship, maybe in the future I will but now, no....hell I may just have a guy that I go on dates with but thats it..the thought of actually settling down scares me right now and I don't want that.
Who knows with me...the crazy spontaneous girl! But whatever, I just have taken my life back and now am haivng the "If you don't like it, bite me" attitude that I should have had years ago!
Rambling again which means I need to get off here and get the kiddos in gear...
Til later.
Posted by Crista at 7:15 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
I hate being stuck!
As in the weight! I'm stuck between 190 and 189 and no matter what I do it will. not. budge. I have started Wii again so we will see if the scale will go down again. I really don't wanna go back on HCG no matter how freaking amazing it is...I'm not loving the sagging skin on me from the 50 lb weight loss so I need to exercise to firm that up and with HCG I can't sweat! I have an excuse for this week since its that time of the month chocolate has been calling my name and I have been answering it but I've also been doing 30 min of Wii everyday also so that makes up for it...or thats what I just tell myself!
I am glad that my size 16s are still loose and I still wear them no matter what. I got rid of anything 18 because I will NOT wear that size again no matter what.
My life right now is just insane and its really hard for me to talk about it right now so its mainly the people thats closest to me that I am opening up to, or at least I'm trying to open up to.
I will try and update my blog as much as I can and when I get the chance to.
Til later
Posted by Crista at 8:16 PM 1 comments
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I apologize to my readers for my lack of posts. I'm going through some personal issues that I can't talk about at this time. When the time comes I will definitely let you in but for now, I will try and update this more and keep you in the "loop".
Thanks! :)
Posted by Crista at 4:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wordless Wednesday-How Lila feels about waiting for mommy to get ready
Posted by Crista at 7:17 AM 3 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Just a little snippet
As most of you know I am an army wife (OMG how do I do it??) I was checking out my girl Ashley's blog and saw a post and decided to join in the fun. I'm supposed to post a blog about myself so here goes:
My name is Crista and I became an army brat when I was 8 years old. I moved from a very small town in Illinois to Ft. Polk, LA. Yes, it was a huge culture change for me. Growing up changed me a lot. I met my future husband in Ft. Stewart, GA after swearing that I'd never get with a soldier(I decided that the military was for me because well, soldiers are hot!lol) I became an army wife in 2001 at the ripe age of 21(I know its older than a "typical" army wife, wait til you see how old I was when I gave birth to my first!). After moving around we decided to have a baby. I had my first at...(sit down for this)...25! Yes, 25 years old! My daughter was born when I was 27 in Alaska. We are now stationed in Ft. Hood and even though my parents drive me nuts I really love this place.
So if you want to join in the fun go over to militaryspouserollercoaster
Posted by Crista at 1:51 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
And the wait is(finally) over!
After waiting months for my cooking gadgets, furniture, ect, it is finally going to get here! My dear old husband decided to do a full DITY move. As always does he ever listen to me? So after paying the movers OVER, it will be here tomorrow.
(they claim to *ahem* say we have over 11,000 lbs of furniture, which I called BS on..we got up there with only 6,500 and didn't buy much extra...Alison movers in Alaska screwed us, don't use them)
On another note I have gained some weight and it sucks...why is it that I can eat something fattening and GAIN weight and eat better and lose a half a pound? WTH??? I am trying to watch what I eat because I will NOT be 240 lbs ever again!
My last day of work is tomorrow which I am overjoyedhappy about. I have found a few things to keep the kids occupied every day and getting Braden ready for *gulp* Kindergarten in the fall!! Both kids are pretty smart, even Lila who is 2 knows more things than I have realized. They both amaze me everyday!
I have been neglecting my blogging which has affected my Entrecard droppings, I am going to blog more and drop more on fellow Entrecarders I just need to get settled after I get my computer and not use my husbands slow laptop!
Well I'm off for now will blog more later!
Posted by Crista at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Stuff on my mind
As an army wife I have tolerated a lot of things, I really have no choice, but when idiots steallose sensitive items it affects the other soldiers and their families. I am not a whiner/complainer/ect but when I work and have to raise 2 kids on my own you get a bit on the edge so to speak. This has happened in other units of my husbands and maybe I'm being a bit bitchy when I strikeout steal when sometimes its just a misunderstanding or one of them forgets the item in the field or back in Iraq/Afghanistan but c'mon this has been 3 days already that my husband has been stuck in the motorpool...something is wrong here, am I right?
Well, anyway, off to another piece...
I am officially down 40 lbs and I feel great!
Now I know I still have a few more pounds to lose but I'm making progress, I'm in a large and a 16 so not too bad!
But I am off to bed so I can get myself and the kiddos up for work/daycare. Have a great night and weekend everyone and I'll try to update more often!
Posted by Crista at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The ultimate tummy tuck
So you checked out the infomercial of the body shaper, if not here ya go!
Why am I posting it you ask? Because I decided to buy it and try it for myself. I magically lost 3 inches! It is really tight but it makes you stand taller and it gives you major confidence! Don't believe the idiots that say its garbage, apparently they are getting large when they should have gotten x-large!
If you don't want to buy it offline you can find it at stores also, I got mine at H-E-B(love that store!)
Posted by Crista at 7:27 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Writers Workshop
Mama Kat has done it again for me, a topic that I actually like and will do it! I chose:
5.) List 10 things you never knew until you were mom.
1. I never knew that toys bigger than the hole in the toilet can flush down(thank God the housing guys didn't charge me, they usually do)
2. I never thought how important showers and going to the bathroom was...and how privacy had vanished into thin air when it came to things like that.
3. You learn to not be shy about nudity, especially after giving birth to your firstborn.
4. Boobs are not play things.
5. I used to think about what I'm going to do on Friday and Saturday nights, I now wonder if I'll be able to watch SNL without falling asleep.
6. If its quiet in the other room, be worried.
7. Girls can be worse than boys at the age of 2...talk about divaness.
8. Days are too short to get anything done!
9. Sex or sleep is really a question?
10. "Mommm" sissy keeps touching/hitting/bothering me! (For the next oh, say, 5-10 minutes of this constant)
Posted by Crista at 5:51 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 29, 2010
Get it girl!
Had to post my progress so far.
This is me at around 250 lbs, I was pregnant with my daughter
woah momma, large and in charge I should say!
This pic is from last year, I was about 240
Yeah, I thought I was sexy...uh no.
So now we are here in January of 2010 and I am on a really awesome diet. I am now down to 218 lbs
Posted by Crista at 6:07 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
So I twittered about watching an episode of Jersey Shore just to see what the hype was about and my friend on facebook introduced me to this mega awesome site
Check it out
Posted by Crista at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Writer's workshop(been awhile)
![Mama's Losin' It](http://i913.photobucket.com/albums/ac331/mamakatslosinit/poodle4.jpg)
So I have been MIA in blogland lately mainly due to the fact that I am now working and been losing weight.
(BTW, add me as a friend on Sparkpeople...shrinkingcrista)
I decided that I'd do one of Kat's workshops because its been awhile since the last time arg!
This one I chose because my firstborn was arriving that year and he's the light of my life(other than my daughter of course!)
The picture I would take of 2005 would be me pregnant and that August little man would be born. I would be tired stressed and planning to say goodbye to my husband due to deployment #2. It has been a long and rocky road but its been an adventure to say the least!
My 2 best projects
Posted by Crista at 2:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Wow, what a decade of craziness!
So these past 10 years have been a rollercoaster for me. I would like to sum it down on this blog...pics may follow if I can't find any on this laptop!
Moved to Germany with my parents. If I didn't meet my future husband beforehand I wouldn't have tagged along, he moved there the beginning of the year, we got there in July of that year. We also went to Paris that Christmas.
Married in Geibelstadt Germany. Our getaway car was a Mercedes Benz 2 seater...the rental cars there are all like that and super cheap to rent. Taxis are also Mercedes Benzes. This was the year I realized I would be on my own for awhile due to hubby being in the field.
Visited Amsterdam and went shopping in Cheque. Still on my own and became more independent.
Moved to Ft. Riley, KS...hated it! Our apartment there was termite infested and tiny but it was only us two but thankfully the termites were fumigated! Had no vehicle so relied on fellow wives from the unit(4th ID Dragon brigade)..only to find out they talked shit about me and pretended to be my friend. Hubby getting ready to deploy, we discussed starting a family when he got back. My sister came to live with me after he left
Hubby came home after 13 months. He did not get to come home for R&R(the unit was assholes to him too) November found out my friend from school died, that same weekend found out I was pregnant with my son after trying for 2 months.
Hubby went to school to change his job. Lived with parents in California for a few months. Moved to Ft. Campbell, Ky. Braden was born that August, hubby left for Iraq that September. I moved in with my parents(again) and stayed with them. My dad left for Iraq that November. Braden's first Christmas was with my mom, sister and I.
Before Tom came home he called to tell us he got orders for Alaska. I told him he was out of his effing mind. He refused to deny the orders...thats where the marriage started falling apart. He came home and got pregnant with baby number 2 fall of that year.
Got ready to go. Visited hubby's family in Florida then my parents in Texas. Then started on our journey to snowland. Was about 5 months pregnant. Took the 6 day ferry to Alaska from Washington. Lila was born that July. Marriage was getting rougher.
Depressed. Was making exit strategies to get out of Alaska. Decided that I would leave the next summer.
Moved to Texas that summer, went home to Illinois to visit relatives. Said goodbye to hubby until he gets back in March(he was supposed to leave earlier but that got screwed up). Marriage is still a bit rough.
Will it be better for all of us?? We shall see!
Posted by Crista at 1:28 PM 2 comments