I haven't done Mama Kat's workshop in awhile due to drastic changes in my life(read past posts) so I decided to do this week. I chose the first one well, because of this and this
Yes, I want to go to England!
I know I should have went when I lived in Germany for almost 3 years but I never got a chance to!
Now that I know that Valium works for me when I flew from Alaska to Texas I am going to try and make a trip...*ahem* well when I'm not so broke I mean.
*Note: I did see the London Bridge located in Arizona, that was pretty cool!
Oh, London is one of my favorite cities. Definitely go when you can. It's so much fun!
Stopped by from Mama's Losin'It
England is beautiful! The man and I are planning on going someday, just not yet.
Stopped by from Writer's Workshop!
I would love to go to ANY of those places!!
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