Thursday, March 5, 2009

Thanks Wii Fit, I appreciate it...

So I skipped a friggen day of Wii Fit, is it okay to skip ONE day?

The Wii Fit tells me HELL no.

"I noticed you were too busy to work out yesterday."

Well hi to you too Wii Fit.

I did lose 2 lbs though so there!


Stitchblade said...

I want this so bad! I bet it is a lot of fun!

Stepfanie said...

That's so cool, I would love one of these. Something that's honest with you like "Uh where were you?"

Ate Sienna said...

I'm glad you're getting full use of it. That's what it was made for anyways :) I am so envious. I'd really like one for my birthday but I guess, it's a toss up between this and another furniture piece for the living room. I think the living room will win this time. Oh well, there's still more occassions to come :)


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