Friday, May 9, 2008

Wow, I had no idea porn had that kind of power

According to, bases around the world are going to restrict the sale of pornographic magazines. The soldiers say it will "hurt" morale. I don't know whether to laugh at that statement or just be mortified by it. I didn't realize that our American soldiers needed naked women to look at just to survive, hell if thats the case I'll just send some nudie photos of myself before my husband goes to the field or leaves for a few weeks...damn. I think its a little silly to use morale as an excuse to keep Playboy on the shelves at the Shoppette but thats just my opinion.

A Department of Defense committee that reviews materials sold on bases ruled last year that magazines such as Playboy and Penthouse are not pornographic.

Wow, are you serious? Last time I looked at a Playboy I remember seeing one of the playmate's cooter, if thats not pornographic then I'd like to know what is. I also have read some of the articles and some of the cartoons are well over the pornographic capacity.

This part of the story is the same excuse men use as to why they read them:

"We all read 'em," said Pfc. Paul Rubio, 31, of Bakersfield, Calif. "There are times we just read 'em for the technological parts like the new gadgets that come out. They have good stories sometimes too."

Reading the article literally made me laugh out loud, it really tells you how much men think of sex..I mean us women do know but it proves the point in this article.

Here is the full story if you wanna check it out for yourself


Rebecca said...

Wow, gone are the days when George Washington told the soldiers to have the character of a patriot and a Christian, and forbade them from swearing and commanded that they attend Sunday services!

I think the reason men think about sex so much is because it's shoved in their faces day in and day out. I find it hard to believe that in more discreet days men were so obsessed. It's a vicious cycle now, and all in the name of marketing, because sex sells, doesn't it?

Good post.

TroubleX2 said...

well goodness forbid they go without their cooter books! Give me a flipping break. Isn't society just circling the drain?

other than that...How's life going?

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