Wednesday, February 25, 2009

ugh. husbands.

My husband...Lord I love him...thought that it was in his best interest to buy a model car and paints. I am cursing him under my breath while smiling saying "honey, when will you have time to do this project?" He insists that he will get it done in due time while I'm betting how long it will actually take in my head.

So we get home and soldier boy decides that after the kids were in bed he was going to open this bad boy. I look in the box and say "um. I hope that you are going to be putting this away when the kids are up"

He does. Thank God.

Here opens the paint and they are in little bottles. I am not going to freak out. Soldier boy decides that he is going to leave the paints in this lazy susan carousel on the kitchen counter. Next day we get up and get breakfast going. I'm in the process of starting up my computer for the day when I hear "clink clink clink".

Oh. Dear. God. what is that and what has little man gotten into now? Him and his sister proceed to clink the bottles of paint together because somehow he managed to get the bottles from the counter. I am like, "Ok, they are just clinking them, no big deal". I continue to start the day and it gets quiet.

Real quiet. I see little man run into the living room. What the heck did this boy do now? He is covered in paint, princess is covered in paint. The love seat and carpet now have a beautiful shade of red and blue. Momma is not happy. I start screaming. I try and figure out how to take out this mess. I want to call up soldier boy and yell and scream but I blame myself for not taking them and putting them away in the first place. I call him up anyway.

Me: Hey babe, you know those paints you got for the um car you bought?
Him: silence.
You are going to tell me its all over the place right?
Me: Technically its not "all over" the place but some of it is all over the carpet, I'm mad at myself for not putting it away.
Him: Well, its my fault for putting it on the counter
I'm in shock y'all

He continues to tell me he has to go but he'll deal with it when he comes home from work.

The steam cleaner managed to make it look like this:

Seriously, why do I even bother?

If anyone knows of a great paint remover please help a momma out!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Damn you netflix!

I really do love you but I HATE your 500 limit queue. (Thanks NGIP for reminding me of that!) I did, however, go through it...for the 10th time...deleting my drunk picking greatest hits! (So what, I had to have the B Rated gore films where the half naked girl gets chopped up by a sexless psycho murder, whats so wrong with that?)

Friends tell me that only I could know that there is an actual limit of movies you can put on your queue.

I tell them "Screw you too! Thats why I kick your ass at Scene it!"

Now that you had the pleasure of reading my latest vent, go comment on my giveaway...maybe one day I will give away a free month of Netflix and see if you can get up to my 500 limit queue!

My birthday Giveaway!

I will be 29 on the 12th of March. Since I have stuff left over from the expo today(which went GREAT!) I decided to have another giveaway! I know you all love the Tastefully Simple line and I would like to bestow upon you:

Pound Cake

AND(if thats not enough)

Creamy Caramel Sauce!

When will this giveaway end? Why on my birthday of course!

What do you need to do?

Comment me~1 vote
follow me~ 1 vote (tell me if you already do so I can count you!)
blog about my yummy giveaway~2 votes

So what are you waiting for? My birthday? Show me some lovin!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Will it get him to actually go potty?

I got this boy sized urinal to try and get Braden to go potty. This boy is hardheaded and refuses to go pee on his potty chair or the seat that I put on the regular toilet. I found it from another blog who had a contest for it but since I didn't win it I had to buy it myself....dummy me I forgot to use the code for free shipping and if anyone has bought anything to get shipped to Alaska...well lets just say I paid an arm and a leg too darn much!

Here it is!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Crista, come out here!

Me: What do you want? (I hate being interrupted)

Hubby: Come and take pictures of me shoveling snow in shorts and a t-shirt!

Me: NO, that is dumb!

Hubby: No, its funny!

By this time I am ignoring him while he's still insisting that I do this. Keep in mind he has Jim Beam in him...not sure how much but at this point he is being annoying.

Me: Do I REALLY have to do this?

Hubby: Yes, its great!

Me: *sigh* Fine.

So here are the damn pictures I just HAD to take.

Him trying not to fall flat on his butt since there was a patch of ice on our driveway:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Since it is Valentines Day

I have to share with you my ultimate sappy V-Day movie

I cry each time I watch this movie. It is the perfect sappy love story movie EVER! What is your favorite sappy movie?

Friday, February 13, 2009

I recieved a new award!(again!)

I love getting awards, it means I am doing well as a blogger. This one was bestowed upon me by my friend Ashley. I love this woman. Her and I have had our ups and downs and we still continue to be friends. Here is the people I am bestowing upon this award to:

Jade at Mommawannabe
Stepfanie at Stepfanie's Time Out
Sabrae Carter
Jami at Confessions of a Stay at Home mom

So now I'm supposed to list 10 honest things about myself.


1) I am honest. I have now learned to vent to people that I can trust because of my honesty. I have gotten people pissed off at me because of this. If I said something about you and you ask me if I did I will tell you.

2) I hate when people don't wash their hands after using the bathroom. I especially hate when they don't teach their children either.

3) I can be your best friend or your enemy. You love me or hate me there is no in-between, its just the way I am.

4) Although I hate confrontation if you don't like me, tell me. I don't have time nor energy to play high school games. Don't act nice to my face and talk shit about me behind my back.

5) When I make friends with people I am friends for life unless you really screw me over. I don't hold grudges, life is too short for that. If I am wrong I apologize, I hope as my friend you do the same.

6) I love talking on the phone, I can talk on the phone for hours about nothing. If its not important I'm a texter.

7) I am a social bug and I get emotionally depressed when I don't have friends around me. I think that comes with me being single til I was 18. In high school I would rather party with my friends and not worry about having a boyfriend (although I did have my crushes!)

8) I am fat so quit reminding me that. I don't need immature idiots telling me this. I am currently working on my fat butt and when I do get to where I need to be you will be seeing my sexy butt on this blog...literally.

9) I LOVE being an army wife. I love the fact that by the time hubby really gets on my nerves he goes to the field for about a week or two. I love that separation, it really helps I get the whole bed to myself and no ESPN...ahhhh!

10) I can be flaky. If I don't write down appointments, engagements, ect I will forget. My calendar is my lifeline, lists are my priority, organization is my best friend. My life is chaotic enough to not write things down. Even before I had kids my friends would make fun of me because of my lists. I can't help it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Alright Miss Kat..

This was the assignment I chose from Momma's Losin It

I am not called a female Emeril by my husband for nothin! If you love Italian food here's my specialty:

Spinach Manicotti
(even if you don't like spinach you will love this!)

box of manicotti, cooked to al dente

pkg. of frozen chopped spinach
container of ricotta cheese
8 oz pkg of cream cheese, softened
1 clove garlic
italian seasoning(keep in mind, this girl does not measure)
couple handfuls of mozzarella cheese

mix together everything but the manicotti. Take a gallon size ziplock bag and fill it up with the mixture. Cut off the tip of the bag and fill up the manicotti with it. If you have a Pampered Chef Easy Accent Decorator that will work also. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Take a deep dish pan and cover the bottom with a cup of spaghetti sauce. Place the filled manicotti on top of the sauce and cover it with the rest of the sauce. Top that with mozzarella cheese. Bake in the oven for about 25-30 minutes and enjoy! You won't be disappointed!

Please comment if you decide to make this and let me know if you liked it, hated it, or changed it!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I just signed up for this!

Just imagine - you wake up and it’s Your Birthday!

You get up, switch on your PC and check your mail - and there are thousands of emails from friends who have sent you cash!

It’s not a dream - it really can happen!

With Birthday Bonus Club (BBC)

BBC is a matrix - and we’re proud of it! Because we are a matrix with some very BIG differences

  • It costs you nothing to join - BBC is completely free!
  • There are no monthly fees - ever.
  • There are no upgrade fees
  • We don’t sell anything
  • ..and - you will never be asked to buy anything

Upline & Downline
We just ask you to agree to a simple request …

When asked to do so, you agree to donate an amount of $2.00 to $5.00 to another member on his or her Birthday.

The members to whom you will donate will be

  • Your upline - a maximum of nine people
  • The first level of your personal network - a maximum of three people

If you are asked to donate the maximum amount ($5.00) then BBC will never cost you more than $60.00 per year - in return, you could receive a Birthday Bonus of more than $140,000 !

How does that work ..

When you sign up with BBC you’ll want to tell your friends about it - after all, who wouldn’t want the chance of making a huge Birthday Bonus each year. You need only invite three friends and these are the people who form the basis of your personal network. You will be asked to donate to their Birthday Bonus’s - as they will donate to yours.

When your friends invite their friends, those people will form the second level of your network and that can continue down to nine levels. If you are able to create a full 3×9 network there will be 29,523 people in your personal network. If each of those members send you the maximum of $5.00 on your Birthday, your Birthday Bonus will be $147,000.

.and there’s another BONUS!

For every Dollar that you donate to another member’s Birthday Bonus, Birthday Bonus Club will credit your Personal Advertising Account with $1.00! You can advertise what you like - except porn - or you can exchange your Advertising Credits for cash!

You can sign up with BBC here or find out more about the workings of Birthday Bonus Club here

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I was invited!

I had gotten an e-mail a few months ago from an insurance company who is having a Health and Benefits fair. They wanted a Tastefully Simple Rep to come and show off their products at their fair! I was the only one who responded so I'm super psyched but nervous because I had never done one of these before. I did order a bunch of Tastefully Simple stuff for the Expo for the taste-testing demo. If you are in the Anchorage area come by and see me!

Health and Benefits Fair
2515 A Street
Anchorage, AK
Tuesday, the 24th of Feb
7 a.m.-11 a.m.

New Years Giveaway Winner

Remember my giveaway?

Well today is the day to pick a winner. As usual I put the names in a bowl:

Then volunteered my son to choose a winner and the winner is:

Well, its supposed to say Sabrae Carter but its really fuzzy and I couldn't focus the picture right! But anyway, congrats Sabrae I hope you enjoy the cake!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Do you really need a reason?

I really don’t need a reason to go to Disney World but c’mon, everyone deserves to experience the most magical place in the world! I remember when we went for our family vacation and I was 17. I still felt like a kid getting my pictures taken with cartoon characters with my family. My dad put his Packers hat on Mickey Mouse…I guess even though Mickey is a cheesehead, this one definitely wasn’t a Pack fan! We still had fun nonetheless.

I now am an adult and have 2 toddlers and that is another reason to take them to see Mickey. I hope they don’t get scared of an oversized mouse! My mom has wanted to take them before they were even born. She loves stuff like this. Since we are military we get to get discounts and I even mentioned a blog post about getting in for free! This is one of the perks of being in the military!

Disney Tickets can be purchased with the park hopper Option. This option gives the ticket holder to visit multiple Disney Theme Parks on the same day. Depending on the number of days you select, Park Hopper tickets can be purchased for less than 25 DOLLARS PER DAY! There is a whole list of prices, just check it out by clicking on the Disney Tickets link above. The Park Hopper tickets are the most popular tickets Disney sells because you can visit all four parks for 3 days or whichever tickets you purchase. Just keep in mind that these tickets expire 14 days from the first day of use unless you purchase the “Non-Expiration” option.

If you decide to visit, don’t forget to ride Magic Mountain! It was a blast! Tell Mickey I said, “Hey!” and don’t forget to get an autograph and a picture!

New favorite show

I started watching The Biggest Loser this season and its so addicting! I came into it the second episode of the season but caught on quickly. This week I was so glad they voted off Joelle but I was sad because Carla fought and its unfortunate that Joelle couldn't work as a team like she was supposed to.

I was really sad last week when Dan got voted off. He worked his butt off! He's a cute teddy bear and I'm sure he is going to look hot at the reunion! His partner, Dave, wasn't working as hard so that made it rough on Dan.

I didn't know how tough Jillian Michaels was til I got her 30 day shred(this was before I started getting into TBL...that lady is bad ass!

Oh, I got my Wii Fit today so I'm starting tomorrow...shrinking Crista is going to work her booty off!

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